IoT (Internet of Things)


Algunos comentarios introductorios los podemos encontrar en la siguiente liga solo que la comunicación Nodo-Gateway en lugar de Xbee usaremos un nRF24L01 trabajando la librería Mirf y la librería RF4.

La simulación de la red se hará con un arduino nano y un sensor de humedad trabajando como Sensor Node y el Gateway con un Raspberry Pi conectado a internet con Donge y al Sensor Node con la tarjeta inalambrica nRF24L01 .

Diferentes formas de comunicarse.

There are many different type of RF networks with various advantages and disadvantages. The main things I consider when choosing a wireless communication method are network topology, data rate and power consumption.


High data rate (54Mbit/s +) but also high power consumption. Used when you need to connect directly to the internet, such as an internet-of-things device, and have an external power source.


Low data rate (250kbit/s) and low power consumption. Used to make mesh-type sensor networks; each XBee device can communication with each other, and through each other via the mesh to devices that are out of range. Used for networks of devices, particular home automation and sensors. link.


Medium data rate and medium power consumption. IEEE standard has different device profiles to enable interoperability between devices. ‘Pairing’ type network however, so not useful for sensor networks, but good for controlling devices using a laptop or phone which usually have Bluetooth on board. Communicates with Arduino via serial RX and TX pins. link.

Bluetooth Low Energy, ANT, etc:

Very low data rate and very low power. These RF chips can run for years on an AA battery and so are used for things like heart rate sensors. The data rate is quite low so only good for transferring a small amount of data such as sensor readings. Most devices are setup as peripherals and can only connect to one ‘central’ device, so no good for sensor networks. Bluetooth low energy is supported by the latest mobile phones and laptops however. Useful to enable control of a device using a phone or laptop, for example a LED lamp. (See redbearlab for some Arduino options)


Phone connection. TODO

nRF24L01 / RFM12B / RFM22B(SI4432)

Popular proprietary transceivers. They can connect via SPI and have a lot of fancy features like low power modes, multiple channels, channel hopping, frequency calibration, CRC, retransmit and so on. The nRF24L01 from Nordic Semiconductor link operates in the 2.4GHz band, others use the ISM band 433/470/868/915Mhz. These are todays state of the art highly integrated and low cost hardware for reliable telemetry and consumer applications. The range is between 10m and 150m. The SI4432/RFM22B has the range of about 1.5Km.

Se basa en protocolo SPI

PoorMan Scanner with nRF24l01. Una aplicacion para identificar funcionamiento e interferencia sobre una senal WiFi. (Ya lo reproduje)

Other RF modules

Simple and cheap serial devices. Single transmitter/receiver or transceiver that operate in the ISM band link. Often used as garage door opener. Useful for sensor network where interoperability with other devices is not required and you can implement your own protocol. link

Nodo Gateway Structure



Usando diferentes tecnologias inalambricas tenemos a  Xbee


Comentarios uso de nRF24L01 Vs Xbee

Entonces, una alternativa es el uso de  nRF24l01 chip. Veamos como se usa.



Developing an Enterprise Strategy for the Internet of Things

Getting information out of data networks scattered across the world, and enabling automatic extraction of data insights, is the next step for companies operating at scale. Further drilling down into their value chain will help businesses understand how to resolve any issues present in their data.

“The value of the IoT solution is proportional to the speed and the number of times the original IoT data is analyzed,” said Vernon Turner,


Using data collected from IoT devices can help transform businesses. As more people than ever become connected to data automatically, there is a chance to get this data into the hands of software development teams that can make decisions to act upon the results collected from it.

Getting collected data out of the silo and into the hands of these decision-makers is crucial.  One must also consider privacy concerns. As more consumers are made aware of privacy issues surrounding their technology, companies must do their best to ensure that their users are able to understand how their data is collected and used.

Companies can generate a significant amount of trust and brand integrity if their users can be involved in how their data is used. Security is not an easy problem to solve within the IoT ecosphere though companies can network with other third-party providers to establish a technology stack which allows for secure user data access and analysis throughout one’s workflow.

More is Not Always Better

“In order to connect and scale, businesses must analyze data and act on it, integrating and transforming it with other data. Data is worthless unless you can refer it to other data sets,” said Myles Matheson, who is a solution specialist for application platforms at Microsoft. There has been a gradual shift with enterprises moving toward data processed at the edge, rather than having endless data going back to a data center.

One of the enterprise-level IoT offerings presented at IoT NZ was the Azure IoT Suite. This Microsoft suite offers businesses connectivity, data ingestion and control, stream processing, visualization, preconfigured solutions and much more.